Effective medicines, tablets and preparations for papillomas

A wide range of drugs for the treatment of papillomas on the body

Human papillomavirus is the second most common virus after the herpesvirus family. Almost every person has encountered it, many are asymptomatic carriers. However, not everyone develops papillomas, warts and other manifestations. In the article we will tell you what factors influence the appearance of papillomas and how to effectively fight them with the help of drugs.

Causes of papillomas

The papillomavirus is not always able to activate; a healthy immune system successfully suppresses the infection. But as soon as the protection is weakened, HPV is able to multiply, causing the uncontrolled division of epidermal cells. Most often, warts and papillomas on the skin appear in the following categories of people:

  • children and adolescents whose immunity is still imperfect;
  • pregnant women due to the natural immunosuppression needed to have a child;
  • Papillomas often appear in pregnant women
  • Older people;
  • smokers and habitual alcohol drinkers;
  • obese;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
  • patients with immunodeficiency, including HIV;
  • those who have undergone treatment with strong antibiotics, corticosteroids and cytostatics.

Strategy to combat papillomas

Treatment of papillomas should be comprehensive. It includes several areas:

  • Removal of tumors;
  • Immunomodulatory treatment as needed;
  • General improvement of health, optimization of lifestyle.

Modern pharmacology, which offers many drugs for the treatment of papillomatosis, successfully addresses the first two points.

Preparations for self-removal of papillomas

Doctors strongly advise against removing papillomas at home, they give several arguments:

  • It is difficult for a layman to distinguish a papilloma or wart from other hyperplasias. This requires a biopsy, after which the resulting microsample is examined under high magnification;
  • To remove papillomas, doctors use modern and effective methods (cryodestruction, laser, radioknife, electrocoagulation), which are not available to ordinary people;
  • Household chemicals can cause burns and leave scars if used carelessly.

However, today pharmacies offer many products for removing skin tumors. Here is a list of the most common ones.

  1. An effective drug with mummifying and cauterizing effects. Its base is phenol and 3-methylphenol, substances that coagulate proteins. The product is available in the form of an oily solution in a glass bottle. An applicator is attached to the lid. The drug is inexpensive, the bottle is enough to remove a large number of tumors.

    For small, filiform or pedunculated papillomas, a single application is sufficient. If the wart is old, keratinized or dry, it is recommended to first soften the keratin layer using a patch with salicylic acid or salicylic ointment and only then apply the solution. Apply it several times on large old formations with a break of 3-5 minutes.


    With this drug, the removal of papillomas and condylomas on the mucous membranes is prohibited. This is dangerous for your health!

    The drug can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women (on the recommendation of a doctor).

  2. A preparation based on acids: nitric, acetic, oxalic, lactic. The cost is higher than the previous product.

    The medicine acts on warts in a drying and necrotizing way. Available in solution form. After its use, the growths change color and fall off after a few days, a scab forms in this place that cannot be torn off, otherwise a scar may remain. The skin must heal on its own. Scope of application: any vulgar and flat warts, warts.


    The drug should not be used on the face or in the anogenital area: the burning sensation may be too strong and there is a risk that the acid will penetrate the eyes or mucous membranes!

    It is recommended to remove with the drug no more than three warts at a time, with a total surface area of up to 3 cm². Pregnant and breastfeeding women can use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor and under her supervision, in the manipulation room of a clinic or hospital.

    In addition to this remedy, pharmacies sometimes sell another acid-based drug (lactic and salicylic). The principle of use, indications and contraindications are the same.

  3. For those who do not want to burn warts with concentrated acids and chemicals, another method has been invented - freezing. This is an aerosol containing dimethyl ether and propane.

    The drug effectively helps against all types of vulgar warts, including plantar warts, as well as filiform and flat ones. There are practically no restrictions on use. The product can be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children over 4 years of age as it does not contain toxic components.

    The aerosol is applied using a special disposable foam applicator to deliver the ether exactly to the desired location. The product is sprayed for 10-20 seconds (depending on the size of the wart or papilloma). Small fresh formations disappear after just one application; large, old ones may require 2-4.

    This is an easy to use and safe product developed by a Japanese company. Its only drawback is the high price. The bottle is enough to treat 5-8 warts or 12 small papillomas.

    There is an alternative to the previous drug, this time produced in Ireland. And the cost is slightly lower. Indications, contraindications and methods of use are the same.

Immunomodulatory treatment

Pharmacological treatment of papillomas involves the suppression of the activity of the HPV virus in order to avoid the appearance of new formations in place of the removed ones. For this purpose, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are used, which are taken in parallel with measures to remove papillomas and warts, as well as agents for local treatment.

  1. A drug commonly prescribed by doctors that suppresses HPV. Stimulates the synthesis of killer and helper cells, the production of interleukin-2, improves the activity of monocytes and nuclear cells. All of this helps to suppress the replication (reproduction) of viruses in cells.

    Tablets are taken orally, 2 pieces 4 times a day at regular intervals. The course of treatment lasts two weeks, then take a break for the same period and repeat the treatment.

    The drug gives the best results in the early stages, when tumors have just appeared, so it is possible to suppress the virus quickly and effectively. The product is suitable for use by children over 3 years of age. For them the dosage is calculated based on weight: 50 mcg/kg. Pregnancy and breastfeeding represent a contraindication to the use of the drug.

  2. The solution is administered intravenously or rectally in the form of suppositories. Its base is a plant polysaccharide that stimulates the production of its own interferons and inhibits the replication of the virus. The cost is quite high. 5 vials are sufficient for one course of treatment.

    In addition to injections, a gel is applied to the skin after tumors are removed. With such a complex treatment, in 95% of cases it is possible to avoid the appearance of new papillomas.

  3. Cream with immunomodulatory effect. Apply to the skin for 8-10 hours (at night) three times a week until the desired result is achieved. According to user reviews, the drug is effective against filiform papillomas, senile keratomas, warts and other defects.

    The drug is not suitable for children under 18 years of age and breastfeeding women. During pregnancy, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  4. An interferon alfa-2b-based product in the form of a gel, ointment or cream is suitable for all categories, including expectant mothers and newborns. The drug is non-toxic and causes practically no side effects. It is applied three times a day to skin tumors for a course of 2 weeks to a month. The price is low

  5. The drug contains affinity-purified antibodies against human interferon in homeopathic dilutions. In general, doctors are skeptical of homeopathy, so they rarely prescribe it. But the product also has advantages: non-toxic, children's dosage, affordable price. It is recommended to take this drug not separately, but as part of complex therapy.

  6. Effective interferon inducer. Available in tablets with a dosage of 1 and 10 mg. The first is prescribed to children and people over 65 years of age, the second to adults, excluding pregnant and breastfeeding women.

    It is recommended to take the drug every hour, with equal breaks, then its effectiveness will be maximum. Course – 10 days. 1 mg tablets are taken three times a day, 10 mg - once.

    The drug is completely non-toxic, well tolerated and combined with other drugs.

Personal reviews of drugs for the treatment of papillomas

  • "I removed small papillomas on the neck in the salon, but a year later they appeared again. It was a shame to give so much money a second time, I bought an aerosol based on dimethyl ether and propane to try it. At first I was afraid that everything wasn't going well, after the application I had to wait 10 days. During this period of time, I almost forgot that I was removing the papillomas, but one day I got out of the shower and they were gone: my neck was clean. "
  • "I tried several times to remove warts from my hands with acetic acid. It was very painful, but the warts disappeared. True, then new ones grew in the same place. Apparently the acid does not burn completely. The doctor he recommended a cauterizing drug based on phenol. I used it for a week, the warts turned completely white, fell off and never appeared again. "